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  • Writer's pictureTerry

Thoughts from Tex on Memorial Day

Terry's going to go off on the whole ribs and taters thing for Memorial Day, and that's OK, I guess, but I've been thinking about our travels and have some thanks for the folks that made it all possible.

Thanks to those who pushed back on the tyrannical rule of the British. Who said "We want to decide our destiny" and who died at Lexington, Concord, Cowpens and Kings Mountain. You started this great experiment we call the United States.

Thanks to you who fought for the independence of Texas, even though at the time, you didn't think you wanted that. You simply wanted to be recognized as equals to those who rule. You got what you wanted, just not quite the way you envisioned.

Thanks to those who stood for the rights of states to determine their own destiny, as well as those who stood for the rights of all men to be free. At Gettysburg, Shiloh, Appomattox and Bull Run. Both sides fought for what they felt was right. And both scored victories in the end. We still have a constitutional republic where the rights of each state are paramount, but each is free and all are free.

Thanks to all that shed blood in each of the World Wars. Both were supposed to be " the war to end all wars," but history shows that mankind is violent, and we still haven't figured out how to settle differences peacefully. Perhaps we never will. Either way, your sacrifice ensured the freedom of humankind, at least for a while.

Thanks to those who went to Central Asia. To Korea, Vietnam. Laos and Cambodia. Many of you answered the call willingly, but many had no choice. Either way, you died bravely. It is difficult to understand what your sacrifice meant, but you were called and you answered, just like your forebears.

Thanks to you who answered the call to the Middle East, and who gave their lives to protect us and the free world from the threat of a culture that means to subjugate those that do not believe as they do and to dominate the world. This struggle is far from over, but you have ensured that the cause of freedom and equality has not, and will not perish.

Thanks to you that preceded us Europeans, yet understood that the great father of the east was the future and who sacrificed to ensure that, even though you had been horribly mistreated, the future belonged to our country. You more than played your part.

Thanks to those who helped build this nation, and were mistreated by it, but held true to the dream and ultimately ensured we will survive.

I do not pretend to understand the sacrifice you made. Nor do I know that which your loved ones have endured because you gave your life to protect our culture, our country and our society. I can only say that I appreciate what you have done and the gift you have given us.

From the bottom of my heart, I give you thanks. Your occupy a special place. Whether that be Valhalla, the right hand of God, or any other place of honor you earned it and deserve it.

Tex. 5/31/2011

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