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  • Writer's pictureTerry

My First Week

Happy Sunday!

Well, it's been a week in my new home. And like most weeks, it's been grand. But it's also been tough, easy, hot, funny, painful... In other words, it's been a week.

I got the call a week ago Friday - "It's ready, you want to come by tomorrow?" Of course the answer was an unequivocal "YES!!!" I'd been living in hotels for 6 weeks, and for the last week had been holed up just a block from the dealership. THE day had been delayed once due to an issue with the rig. I was ready to get in the rig and on the road.

Car, meet RV. The first day in my new home.

So, I spent last weekend at the dealership. Let me tell you, the people at Motorhome Specialists are the best. From Rodney, my salesman, to Brad, the tech who spent 2 hours walking me through all the parts, pieces and systems of the RV, to Scott the repair tech who took care of the (very few) things I found that needed fixing. They all were fantastic.

Of course, it wasn't all roses, people. You see, I had intended to spend all the previous week (the one holed up down the street) moving in. Plus, I had already booked my first campsite for this past Monday. So I had to get all my stuff moved in just 2 days. In July. In Texas. Let me say that again: IN JULY. IN TEXAS!!

I ain't no young whipper snapper, folks. That took it out of me. Every muscle was sore. And on top of everything, I bruised a rib putting in the water filter (don't ask. Only me.)

Needless to say, I got enough of my stuff moved in I could take off. So I hooked the car to the back of the rig, made a quick run to the grocery store to get grub for the week and headed to Clear Lake Park, a nice U.S. Army Corps of Engineers park on Lavon Lake northeast of Dallas. I programmed the GPS to avoid highways. I was nervous enough about handling the rig without messing with traffic on 635 or 75 in Dallas.

And that brought a bit of serendipity. My route took me right past my sister's house. So naturally, I had to stop by. She was working, but I got to spend some time with my mother and brother-in-law and show off my new home.

And it was on the way from there to the campsite that the next mishap happened. In order to tow my car behind the rig, I have to leave it turned on (not running, just with the key turned to "on".) What I forgot was that I keep the headlights turned to Auto. This is a good thing mostly, since it means the headlights are always on when the car is driven, but if the engine isn't running, they can run the battery down pretty quick. And that's what happened.

It gets better folks: I had locked the doors. I could open the drivers side front door with the key so wasn't locked out, but my battery booster was in the back, which won't open without power. So I had to crawl over two rows to get to it, then hook it up and wait a couple of minutes while it charged the battery up enough to start the car.

Oh, yeah, I was doing this in a church parking lot. IN DALLAS. IN JULY!!!

Well, anyway, I got to the park about 6:00, unhooked the car (had to boost it again. I didn't let it run for very long in that parking lot,) backed in to the spot (first time I'd backed the behemoth, but only had to try twice,) and got the rig set up.

I spent the next 5 days setting up my new home. It's not finished yet, but I have a few personal touches and most of my tech up and running. I've been playing with the toys and having a blast.

(< Click on the pics for a quick tour)

I've also cooked a few meals and have come to one major conclusion: Cooking in a rig IN TEXAS IN JULY, makes for a toasty home. My next grocery list is going include a lot of cold foods.

I met a couple of fun couples the first day. They are locals who came out for a few days to enjoy the lake. It's great to get to a new spot and immediately make friends.

The park itself is really nice. Small, quiet, right on the lake, it had big sites, full hookups and great views. I met the attendants when I first got there. A really nice couple. He's a retired plumber and they have spent the last three summers here, as well as last winter fixing up the place and it shows. And there's a really cool old cemetery in the park. I don't know the history, and didn't explore it because it's fenced off and is overgrown.

Next week, it's off to Martin Dies Jr. state park, near Lufkin. This will be the longest drive yet at just under 5 hours, and will include a gas stop. That's my next challenge, getting this thing in and out of a gas station. The park is the second challenge. It doesn't have sewer hookups at the sites, so I'm going to get to try out my new sewage tote.

All in all a great week. Can't wait for week two and more of my new adventure!

Later, folks.

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